Friday 30 September 2016



*Several Vehicles At The Security Agency's Office Set Ablaze By Rampaging Youths …

What started as a minor scuffle between agents of Imo State Security Network and one of the repented militants from the oil producing LGA of Ohaji/Egbema has degenerated to loss of lives and destructions of properties worth millions of Naira.

Trouble has started when a street hawker near Control Roundabout Owerri who happened to be one of the youths recently granted Amnesty by Imo State Governor, His Excellency Dr. Owelle Anayo Rochas Okorocha and another pedestrian had engaged in some fisticuffs attracting the attention of Imo State Security Network.

In the melee that followed, one of the agents of the Security Network was alleged to have accidentally fired his riffle which hit the Amnesty youth resulting in instant death.

Paschal Kelechi's blog learnt that the Amnesty Youths from Ohaji/Egbema upon hearing the tragic news of violent death of their brother and comrade wasted no time in mobilizing and storming the Owerri/Aba Road Office of Imo State Security Network where some rampage and mob action by the irate youths led to another unfortunate loss of life with dozens of people sustaining various degree of injuries aswell as destructions and setting ablaze of many vehicles within the office premises.

Since Imo State Security Network shares same office complex with Imo State Environmental Transformation Commission (ENTRACO) it was not immediately clear if any property belonging to the latter was also affected in the mayhem. Sources close to the General Manager of ENTRACO informed our correspondent  that the towing van belonging to that Commission was burnt and some of their offices pillaged.

Leaving a trail of destruction behind, the irate youths were said to have gone to Imo State General Hospital Umuguma, where it was alleged that they had politely demanded to see the remains of their fallen brother deposited in hospital morgue. The refusal of the Management of the hospital to grant them their wish was said to have triggered another round of mayhem. Several staff and patients of the hospital were said to have been severely beaten and injured and over eight vehicles within the hospital premises set ablaze in the senseless violence.

Picture shows irate youths during the rampage.

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