Tuesday 27 September 2016


1. BOXING WIVES : These are the type of wives that fight with their husbands delibrately just to provoke him to anger...These kind of women are ready to fight with the husband mostly in the public area to create a scene.

2. HEADMASTER WIVES : These are the wives that are well paid in either their career or business but they disrespect and put their husband down because they have the financial edge over their husbands...

3. POLICE WIFE : This type is very common. These are the wives that inspect or police their husbands everywhere they go...When the husband goes to the bathroom they pick up his phone to quickly check his messages...If the husband makes a call they hide behind the door to listen to every conversation...When the husband goes out they make sure he is followed and has friends that keep an extra eye on the husband activities.

4. DICTIONARY WIFE : These are the wives that don't listen to the advise of their husband but rather prefer to listen to their mother or sister or friend...Whenever their husband says something, they quickly go to verify from either the mother,sister, friend e.t.c like a dictionary to know if she should go ahead with what their husband advised or not.

5. PARTY WIVES : They prefer to buy every available asoebi and shoe and bag to attend any available party even though her family does not have enough financial muscle to absorb such expenses...They are readily available at every party and owambe thereby neglecting their children, husband and home...

6. PAMPERED WIVES : These are also known as daddy's girl...They call and report their husband to their father at any slight argument or conversation...The rich ones are very dangerous especially when the husband is working directly for the father...

7.DUSTBIN WIVES ; The name might sound harsh but they exist...These wives leave the home unkempt and you only see them rushing to clean the house only when they have a visitor at the door...There are several occasions where some husbands get home after a day's work only to find the house upside down and dirty...

8. GOD FEARING WIVES : They are caring and loving. Provides emotional needs and creates extra time for the family. Support their family/husband with prayers and are very responsible. Treats the husband and family with due respect.

9. FACEBOOK WIVES : they are always on the internet, instagram, posting pictures with twisted legs, chatting and even forget to do basic chores because they want to know what is happening on FB.

So for the ladies which one are you? And for the husbands which one is your wife?

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