Tuesday 25 October 2016


This is OUR History.

THE Igbo people of Nigeria : JEWS OF AFRICA

In a White House memo dated Tuesday, January 28, 1969 to President Nixon, former Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger describes the Igbos as “the wandering Jews of West Africa-gifted, aggressive, westernized, at best envied and resented, but mostly despised by their neighbors in the federation”(foreign relations document, volume E-5, documents on Africa 1969-1972).

Kissinger's description aptly portrays the Christian Igbos and their experience in Nigeria. Over the years, the Igbos have been the victims of numerous massacres, that they have lost count. Most of the violence directed against the Igbos have been state sponsored. One can say that the Igbos knew how to spell “state sponsored terrorism” before the rest of the world did. The state sponsored terrorism directed against the Igbos in 1966, led to the declaration of the Republic of Biafra by the Igbos and subsequent civil war. Over two million Igbos died in the civil war, primarily by starvation. One will not be wrong, if they call the Igbos the “Tutsis” of Nigeria. Today, an Islamic terrorist Conglomerate led by the dreaded Boko Haram are still slaughtering Igbos and other Christians in Northen Nigeria. Igbos have always seen themselves as a bulwark against the spread of Islam to Southern Nigeria, and as a result, a perennial target of Islamic zealots.

However, the Igbos are one of the largest and most distinctive of all African ethnic groups. Predominantly found in Southeastern Nigeria, they number about 40 million worldwide, with about 30 million in Nigeria. They constitute about 18% of Nigeria's population, with significant Igbo populations in Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon and the Ivory Coast. Igbos predominate in five states in Nigeria-Imo, Anambra, Ebonyi, Enugu and Abia. In three other states- Rivers, Lagos and Delta, they constitute almost 25% of the population.

During the slave trade, Igbo slaves were known to be the most rebellious. Most of the slave rebellions in the United States, Haiti, Jamaica, Belize, Trinidad and Tobago, Barbados and Guyana were led by Igbo slaves. In South Carolina, Igbo slaves were reported to have drowned themselves, rather than be kept as slaves. Today that place is called Ebo Island in commemoration of the slaves who died there. The Gullahs are Igbo. Igbos were one of the 13 African ethnic groups that provided the bulk of the slaves who were brought to the Americas. Majority of the slaves who ended up in Virginia, Alabama, Tennessee, Maryland, Arkansas, Mississippi, South and North Carolina and Georgia were Igbo. An Igbo museum has been built in Virginia to honor the contribution of Igbo slaves to the state. One of the Igbo slaves who was sent to Liberia by the American Colonization Society-Edward Roye- became the fourth president of Liberia. Another Igbo slave, Olaiduah Equiano wrote the famous slave chronicles.

During the colonial period, the British disliked the Igbos, because of their supposedly uppitiness and argumentativeness. During military service in Burma and India, the pride of Igbo soldiers amongst other African soldiers was proverbial. In the company offices and orderly rooms, the first few words from the White officer speaking to an Igbo soldier was followed by “don't argue, you! Or “you want to be too clever”, and similar expressions. Their expressive and aggressive mentality which they enjoy in their culture at home, does not always allow them to accept false charges or accusations without responding. The late famous writer, Langston Hughes, observed “the Igbo looks proud because he is bred in a free atmosphere where everyone is equal. He hates to depend on anyone for his life's need. He does not mind if others look proud. He has much to be proud of in his land. Nature has provided for him. He is strong and able to work or fight. He is well formed. He is generally happy in his society where no ruler overrides his conscience. He likes to advance and he is quick to learn. He likes to give rather than take”.

Culturally, the Igbos are a very diverse group with different clans, families, subcultures, and subgroups. However, the customs are similar with local varieties. Although there are disagreements about the origins of the Igbos, there is a consensus that they originated from Nri in Anambra State of Nigeria. The language of the Igbos is Igbo or Ibo. It is one of the largest spoken languages in Africa, with Hausa and Yoruba. Igbo speaking people are divided into five geographically based subcultures-Northern Igbo, Western Igbo, Southern Igbo, Eastern Igbo and Northeastern Igbo. Not as urbanized as the Yoruba, they live in multitudinous villages, fragmented into small family groups. They do not have hereditary chiefs like the the Yoruba or Hausa/Fulani. Every Igbo more or less is his or her own master. The Igbos operate the “Umunna System”, which emphasizes the patrilineal heritage, rather than the matrilineal. Some of the important Igbo cities include, Onitsha, Enugu, Umuahia, Aba, Asaba, Abakaliki, Owerri, Nsukka.

In commerce, the Igbos are a mobile, vividly industrious people who have spread all over Nigeria and Africa as traders and small merchants. In countries like Gabon, Ivory Coast, Equatorial Guinea, Sierra Leone, Togo, and Gambia, Igbo traders predominate in retail trade. Most Igbos are clannish, despite their individualism and hold closely together in non Igbo communities. They are often very unpopular in the communities they live in, because they push very hard to make money and often dominate the retail business in alien communities. In his book, the Brutality of Nations, Dan Jacobs describes the Igbos “as ambitious, dynamic and progressive people whose education and abilities did not endear them to those among whom they lived. Even during British rule, there were massacres of Igbos in Northern Nigeria-in Jos in 1945 and in Kano in 1953. The Igbos have acquired the sobriquet, Jews of Africa”.

Education is highly emphasized and given priority in Igboland. Converted to Christianity by Catholic, Anglican and Presbyterian missionaries, they took up self improvement with such enthusiasm, that by the 1960's, the Igbos had the highest percentage of doctors, lawyers, engineers, physicists, and teachers than any other ethnic group in Africa. Because of the abundant educational talent in Igboland many newly independent African nations recruited them to fill vacancies in their civil service. The first American style university built in Africa was in Igboland-the University of Nigeria at Nsukka. Its founder, Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe was a graduate of Lincoln University in Pennsylvania. The Igbos and the Yorubas are the most educated ethnic group in Africa.

Politically, the Igbos are very effervescent and volatile. According to author Dan Jacobs “for Britain and for the British civil servants who continued to work in the Northern Region, the Igbos have always been a troublesome element in the federation, a people with a democratic tradition who are not easily controlled. Many British were glad to see them out of a central position in the federation, as were those who had driven them back to their homeland and those who now held the civil service and other jobs they had left”. The Igbos had been the most ardent advocates of a united Nigeria. Upon independence in 1960, an Igbo, Dr Nnamdi Azikiwe-American educated- became the first President and Governor General, while another Igbo, Aguiyi Ironsi became the first indigenous military chief. Leadership of most of the elite universities in Nigeria were also occupied by the Igbos.

Following the military coup of January 1966, which the Igbos were accused of initiating, Aguiyi Ironsi, an Igbo, became President and Supreme Commander of the armed forces. Tensions rose very high in the country resulting in the massacre of Igbos.

Always Visit Paschal Kelechi's blog

Monday 24 October 2016


Across the Globe!

Catfish With Human Teeth Caught In Australia (See Shocking Photos)

It was caught by Fishermen in Australia and they were all amazed at this horrible species of fish, They had no choice than to let it go freely.

I Trust my Naija brothers, Food don done be that.

See the Photos below:-

Always Visit Paschal Kelechi's blog


NFF clears FC Ifeanyi Ubah for Federation Cup final

The disciplinary committee of the Nigeria Football Federation, NFF has cleared FC IFeanyi to play in the final of the 2016 Nigeria Federation Cup.

This was after a matter brought before the committee against the conduct of the match officials for the 1st semi final game between Crown FC and FC Ifeanyi Ubah.

According to the committee’s findings, officials of Crown FC as well as supporters sympathetic towards and acting on behalf of Crown FC encroached onto the pitch in the 88thminute after a goal scored by Crown was disallowed a minute earlier.

“The contravenes Art. 3.11 of the Rules and Regulations of the Federation Cup Competition,” a statement by the NFF Disciplinary Committee said.

The committee said their decision was based on the evidence including tendered photographs officials of Crown FC were identified to have encroached onto the field of play.

There were also submitted independent reports presented before the Committee as well as the Committee’s interaction with the Match Officials, i.e Match Commissioner (Mr. Bege N. Kwasau), Referee (Audu A. Ibrahim), AR1 (kabiru

Adamu) and AR2 (Abubakar Yusuf) the Match Officials were found to have

acted unprofessionally in their conduct during the second half of the match

Based on the above, the Committee ruled as follows;

1. That Crown FC shall forfeit the match for encroachment resulting in the

disruption of the match as provided for in Art. 3.11 (A). Therefore the scores

at the time of disruption (i.e Crown FC 1 -2 FC Ifeanyi Ubah) stands.

2. That Crown FC is hereby fined the sum of N200,000 as provided for in Art.


3. That the Match Commissioner Mr. Bege N. Kwasau having been found to have acted unprofessionally is hereby referred to the NFF Match Commissioners Committee for disciplinary actions; pending this, he should not be appointed for any Match as a Match Commissioner until the outcome of the Committee decision

4. That Referee (Audu A. Ibrahim), AR1 (kabiru Adamu) and AR2 (Abubakar

Yusuf) having been found to have acted unprofessionally are hereby referred to the NFF Referees Committee for Disciplinary actions; pending this, they should not be appointed for any Match until the outcome of the Committee decision

5. The Committee notes that all parties have the right to appeal its decision


When a European Airline was initially launched, an educated Christian gentleman was traveling in the first class section.
An air hostess approached him with a complimentary drink, this was an alcoholic drink, but the man politely refused.
The air hostess returned but this time brought the drink on a platter, designed to appeal and impress. However, the Christian man again politely refused, explaining he doesn't drink alcohol.
The air hostess was concerned and informed the manager. The manager approached the man with another platter, now designed with flowers. He questioned, “Is there something wrong with our service? Please enjoy the drink, it is a complimentary offer.”
The man replied, “I am a Christian and I do not drink alcohol.” The manager still insisted that the man take the drink.
Then, the Christian proposed that the manager should give the drink to the pilot first. The manager stated, “How can the pilot drink alcohol, he’s on duty! And if he drinks there are all chances for the plane to crash”.
The Christian passenger with tears in his eyes, replied, “I am a Christian and I am ALWAYS on duty in order to protect my FAITH and if I Drink Alcohol I will crash my whole life here and hereafter. I AM 100% ON DUTY!"
Maybe yours might not be an alcohol, it may be tempting you for *sex* as it was done to *Joseph*, battling with how to control your *anger*, profane and vain *babblings*, your *dressing* , your *attitude* towards people and finally not sharing the *Word*. In fact do you know that souls are dying because of those reckless behaviours of ours❓
*WE ARE 100%๐Ÿ’ฏ ON DUTY* and so we should *guard* well the *avenues* of our soul and *DO* as the *MASTER* says...


*Osinbajo gets one out of 46 slots
* President offers Saraki Kwara slot
*Kyari, Kingibe plays prominent role in selection process

 President Muhammadu Buhari has incurred the wrath of President Muhammadu Buhari has incurred the wrath of leaders of the All Progressives Congress (APC) over the choice of nominees for non-career ambassadors. Most of the 23 APC governors are angry because their candidates for the ambassadorial posts were rejected by the Presidency.

It was learnt that Vice- President Yemi Osinbajo was given only one out of the 46 ambassadorial slots submitted to the Senate for confirmation last week.Governors, APC leaders and ministers, who are party leaders in many states, especially where the governing party is not in control, were sidelined in the appointments. Senate President, Bukola Saraki, was this time lucky as the president conceded one of the two ambassadorial nominees – Prof. Mohammed G. Yisa – from Kwara State, to him.

New Telegraph learnt that the Chief of Staff to the president, Mallam Abba Kyari and former Secretary to the Government of the Federation (SGF), Ambassador Babagana Kingibe, played prominent role in the selection process. Even the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Geoffrey Onyeama, was said to have no input in the list of the nominees.

A source said that Onyeama cannot complain because the president’s chief of staff facilitated his appointment as minister. Kyari and Onyeama are friends and classmates at Cambridge. Onyeama was Kyari’s best man at his wedding. One of the APC governors lamented that the president failed to carry party leaders along in his appointment.

“The appointment of the ambassadors is a continuation of the policy to sideline the governors. When the minister from my state was picked, I was not consulted.And when it is time for the ambassadorial appointment, they did not consider my nominee. This is a party we all worked to build.

I have spoken to quite a number of my colleaguegovernors, it is the same thing. “To us, we believe the president has his own game plan. I’m sure he is building a separate structure for himself. When you sideline governors and party leaders in appointments, then it means you are up to something.

I can tell you conveniently that most of the party leaders, especially governors, are not happy with the president over his choice of appointment,” a governor told New Telegraph at the weekend. A cross section of party leaders told New Telegraph at the weekend that the president is treating them like outcasts in the party when it comes to appointments.

A member of the APC National Working Committee (NWC) told this newspaper that he was shocked with the list of ambassadorial nominees. “Initially I thought my governor nominated the representative from my state. But I was shocked when the governor called me to inquire if I did the nomination.

I told him I knew nothing about the ambassadorial nominee. He was shocked. The governor told me that his nominee too was rejected. So, this is the situation we have found ourselves,” the NWC member told New Telegraph last night. Governor Rochas Okorocha of Imo State confirmed the frustration of APC members over the appointment made so far by the president.

“Most members of the party feel that they have not been carried along. I know that many of them are complaining every day,” Okorocha stated in an interview with journalists last week Sunday. The ambassadorial appointment is next to that of ministers in order of importance. Buhari, last week, sent 46 names to the Senate for confirmation as ambassadors.

The president had set three criteria to be met before getting the ambassadorial appointment, especially that the nominees must be people who have sacrificed for the APC: those who contested and lost in the 2015 elections; people who lost in party primaries, but didn’t leave the party and worked for the party; and leading members of the governing party.

New Telegraph learnt that most of the state governors and party leaders had no input as to who represent their respective states on the foreign mission. The source added that in instances where governors and party leaders were asked to submit nominees, their lists were not considered.

A governor who is very close to the president was so angry immediately the list was made public such that he had to meet the president in Abuja, where he reportedly told him that APC is losing its goodwill. “One of the governors, a close confidant of the president, had to rush to Abuja at the weekend to meet the president immediately the list was made public.

The governor told the president that the party stakeholders are not happy with the list of nominees for non-career ambassadors. The two-term governor said APC is losing goodwill with the decision of the president to sideline governors and party leaders in his appointments. “At a point, the governor asked the president: who are his foot soldiers?

The question became necessary when those who are in control of party structures are not considered in appointments,” a source told New Telegraph. A former minister of defence, who supported the president’s election, was also disappointed that his nominee for one of the North-East states was rejected.

One of the North-West governors told this newspaper that he had no input in the two nominees from his state. “Well, I know one of the nominees, but the second nominee is unknown to the state. We know that the two nominees from my state are candidates of the Presidency. So, we are not bothered.

It is very unfortunate that a party that we laboured to build is treating its leaders like this. We are watching. It is the same story across the party,” the governor said. Impeccable sources told New Telegraph that theleaders of the All Progressives Congress (APC) over the choice of nominees for non-career ambassadors.

Most of the 23 APC governors are angry because their candidates for the ambassadorial posts were rejected by the Presidency. It was learnt that Vice- President Yemi Osinbajo was given only one out of the 46 ambassadorial slots submitted to the Senate for confirmation last week. Governors, APC leaders and ministers, who are party leaders in many states, especially where the governing party is not in control, were sidelined in the appointments.

Senate President, Bukola Saraki, was this time lucky as the president conceded one of the two ambassadorial nominees – Prof. Mohammed G. Yisa – from Kwara State, to him. New Telegraph learnt that the Chief of Staff to the president, Mallam Abba Kyari and former Secretary to the Government of the Federation (SGF), Ambassador Babagana Kingibe, played prominent role in the selection process. Even the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Geoffrey Onyeama, was said to have no input in the list of the nominees.

A source said that Onyeama cannot complain because the president’s chief of staff facilitated his appointment as minister. Kyari and Onyeama are friends and classmates at Cambridge. Onyeama was Kyari’s best man at his wedding. One of the APC governors lamented that the president failed to carry party leaders along in his appointment.

“The appointment of the ambassadors is a continuation of the policy to sideline the governors. When the minister from my state was picked, I was not consulted. And when it is time for the ambassadorial appointment, they did not consider my nominee. This is a party we all worked to build.

I have spoken to quite a number of my colleaguegovernors, it is the same thing. “To us, we believe the president has his own game plan. I’m sure he is building a separate structure for himself. When you sideline governors and party leaders in appointments, then it means you are up to something.

I can tell you conveniently that most of the party leaders, especially governors, are not happy with the president over his choice of appointment,” a governor told New Telegraph at the weekend. A cross section of party leaders told New Telegraph at the weekend that the president is treating them like outcasts in the party when it comes to appointments.

A member of the APC National Working Committee (NWC) told this newspaper that he was shocked with the list of ambassadorial nominees. “Initially I thought my governor nominated the representative from my state. But I was shocked when the governor called me to inquire if I did the nomination. I told him I knew nothing about the ambassadorial nominee.

He was shocked. The governor told me that his nominee too was rejected. So, this is the situation we have found ourselves,” the NWC member told New Telegraph last night. Governor Rochas Okorocha of Imo State confirmed the frustration of APC members over the appointment made so far by the president. “Most members of the party feel that they have not been carried along. I know that many of them are complaining every day,” Okorocha stated in an interview with journalists last week Sunday.

The ambassadorial appointment is next to that of ministers in order of importance. Buhari, last week, sent 46 names to the Senate for confirmation as ambassadors. The president had set three criteria to be met before getting the ambassadorial appointment, especially that the nominees must be people who have sacrificed for the APC: those who contested and lost in the 2015 elections; people who lost in party primaries, but didn’t leave the party and worked for the party; and leading members of the governing party.

New Telegraph learnt that most of the state governors and party leaders had no input as to who represent their respective states on the foreign mission. The source added that in instances where governors and party leaders were asked to submit nominees, their lists were not considered.

A governor who is very close to the president was so angry immediately the list was made public such that he had to meet the president in Abuja, where he reportedly told him that APC is losing its goodwill. “One of the governors, a close confidant of the president, had to rush to Abuja at the weekend to meet the president immediately the list was made public. The governor told the president that the party stakeholders are not happy with the list of nominees for non-career ambassadors.

The two-term governor said APC is losing goodwill with the decision of the president to sideline governors and party leaders in his appointments. “At a point, the governor asked the president: who are his foot soldiers? The question became necessary when those who are in control of party structures are not considered in appointments,” a source told New Telegraph.

A former minister of defence, who supported the president’s election, was also disappointed that his nominee for one of the North-East states was rejected. One of the North-West governors told this newspaper that he had no input in the two nominees from his state.

“Well, I know one of the nominees, but the second nominee is unknown to the state. We know that the two nominees from my state are candidates of the Presidency. So, we are not bothered. It is very unfortunate that a party that we laboured to build is treating its leaders like this. We are watching. It is the same story across the party,” the governor said.

Impeccable sources told New Telegraph that thefour APC governors in the South-West failed to have their nominees on the list. All of them submitted lists of nominees as required by the Presidency, but their candidates were rejected by the president. For instance, in Ogun, Governor Ibikunle Amosun could not secure a slot on the ambassadorial list as Vice-President Osinbajo was given the slot.

The vice president nominated his friend and classmate at Igbobi College, Lagos, Ade Asekun. In Oyo, Governor Abiola Ajimobi failed to have his nominee on the ambassadorial list.

Maj.-Gen. Ashimiyu A. Olaniyi (rtd) was picked instead of his nominee. Unlike Amosun who was able to nominate the minister from his state, Ajimobi lost out both in ministerial and ambassadorial appointments. It was the same situation in Osun State, as Governor Rauf Aregbesola’s nominee, Senator Mudasiru Hussein, did not make the list.

Instead, Adegboyega A. Ogunwusi, an elder brother to Ooni of Ife, was nominated. Governor Adams Oshiomhole’s bid to have Prof. Julius Ihonvbere as Edo State nominee could not fly as the president opted for Uyagwe Igbe. In Lagos, the president nominated two of the three nominees from the state.

New Telegraph learnt that the president personally requested for former Supreme Court justice, Justice George Adesola Oguntade and Senator Olorunnibe Mamora. Mamora was the Deputy Director General of the APC Presidential Campaign Council and his appointment was long overdue.

On the choice of Justice Oguntade, Buhari nominated him because of his forthrightness, especially based on the minority judgement he gave in his (president’s) favour in 2008. When Buhari challenged the result of the 2007 presidential election up to the Supreme Court, the apex court upheld the election of Umaru Yar’Adua by 6-1. Justice Oguntade gave the minority judgement in favour of Buhari. Oguntade’s name was also on the list submitted by APC national leader, Asiwaju Bola Tinubu. Mrs. Modupe Irele is also one of Tinubu’s nominees.

In Ekiti, APC members are angry over the choice of Ayodele I. Ayodeji. The nominee retired last year after 35 years in the Foreign Service. He is the immediate past Ambassador to Greece. APC members in the state are angry that the likes of former Governor Adeniyi Adebayo and Senator Olu Adetunbi were rejected in preference for Ayodeji.

“We worked for APC and it is very unfortunate that someone that is unknown to us is the ambassadorial nominee. So, what is the benefit of working for the party? Is it that people like Otunba Niyi Adebayo, Prof. Modupe Adelabu and Senator Olu Adetunbi are not qualified enough to represent the state? This is very unfortunate. The party members in Ekiti State are really disappointed,”


 Chief of Army Staff, Lt.-Gen. Tukur Buratai, on Saturday inaugurated the newly constructed headquarters of the 331 Artillery Tactical Forward Operation Base (FOB) at Buratai, Biu Local Government Area of Borno.

Before now, the base operated from the residence of Gen. Buratai, an indigene of the area, but the house was partially destroyed when the area was attacked in 2015.

The chief of army staff described the base as a “game changer” in the fight against insurgency as it helped in decimating the terrorists.

Buratai said that incessant attacks by the terrorist at Buni Yadi in Yobe, about one hour drive to Buratai town necessitated the establishment of the base to contain their aggression in the area and decimate them.

He said that more such bases would be set up in other areas in the North East.

Maj.-Gen. Lucky Irabor, Theatre Commander, Operation Lafiya Dole recalled that “fierce battle took place in Buratai, particularly the residence of the chief of army staff which the insurgents tried to take on three occasions.

Irabor underscored the need to have a fortified operational base in Buratai to deal with the terrorists.

According to him, the need to maintain offensive operations from a fortified location, conduct aggressive patrols and improve on response time in order to dominate the entire area, informed the idea of establishing the forward operation base.

Irabor said that the terrorists had used the town and its environs as supply routes in giving food and fuel to their members in Alargano forest, Buni Yadi and Gonori in 2011.

The Buratai district which links Biu from Damaturu axis also links three other state capitals in the North East- Maiduguri, Gombe and Yola.

He said: “The strategic location and importance of Biu, Buratai and environs makes the Boko Haram terrorists highly interested in the area.

“The insurgents carried out several attacks within the villages in the vicinity, resulting to the loss of lives, injuries and looting, and destruction of properties.

“This gave rise to high sense of fear among the inhabitants and most of them have to relocate.”

Irabor said that the 331 Artillery Forward Operation Base had made it possible for troops to liberate many towns in the area, including Gonori, Gulazama and Talala which the terrorists seized during the heat of the insurgency.

For more News and Stories, Search for Paschal Kelechi's Blog

This is what Mourinho Told Antonio Conte After Sunday's match.

ByAhad Shaukat Gooner
23 OCT 2016
Jose Mourinho suffered the second biggest defeat of his career against his former club Chelsea on Sunday. The United boss saw his team lose 4-0 at Stamford Bridge and all in all, it really wasn't a happy return for the man who was once the Special One at Chelsea.

​Mourinho seemed particularly unhappy with Conte celebrating the win on the touchline and was clearly offended by his actions; this is what he told Conte after the match:

'You don't do that to, 1:0, that's okay. But 4:0, that's humiliating ' he said.

It really was a miserable affair for Jose, as United offered little threat throughout the game; the few chances they had were squandered. Perhaps their best opportunity fell to Zlatan Ibrahimovic, who put his first-half header over the bar, when it seemed easier to score.

As for Antonio Conte, he will care little about anything beyond the result, which puts Chelsea firmly back in the title hunt - the Blues are now a single point off top stop, currently held by Manchester City.

City, Arsenal and Tottenham could only manage draws in their respective games this weekend. Only Liverpool - of the so-called 'title-contenders' - managed to pick up three points, not including Chelsea of course.

It really looks like this season will go down to the proverbial wire.

As for Antonio Conte, he will care little about anything beyond the result, which puts Chelsea firmly back in the title hunt - the Blues are now a single point off top stop, currently held by Manchester City.

Jose tweeted :

 "When you lose 1-0 or 4-0, you lose 3 points. We are 6 points off the top now, we need to start winning games. It is not easy."
6:06 PM - 23 Oct 2016
  9 9 9 9​.

Sunday 23 October 2016


Presidency , APC leadership split over Buhari's fear to prosecute Amaechi , despite evidence

▪Revealed : Amaechi spent over N200billion for the 2015 APC elections
▪APC conscripts Sahara Reporters blog and Premium Times for image laundering
▪APC National Working Committee plan to meet

The recommendation by some members of the APC National Working Committee reportedly led by estranged Deputy Publicity Secretary , Timi Frank that indicted Former Rivers State Governor, Rotimi Amaechi be investigated and prosecuted has torn the crisis ridden party into different factions .

Investigations revealed that the Timi Frank committee believed to have the backing of estranged National Leader of APC , Asiwaju Bola Tinubu recommended that Non performing President Muhammadu Buhari should also allow EFCC prosecute Amaechi for the 14 petitions submitted with valuable evidences made available to the anti-corruption agency.

According to the APC leaders, if Buhari starts the prosecution of Amaechi, many Nigerians will believe his anti-corruption fight .

They therefore asked Buhari to sack Amaechi as he has become a huge liability to the party.

It was gathered that the APC leaders behind embattled Amaechi are led by Kaduna State Governor , Nasir El-Rufai and Plateau State Governor , Simon Lalong.

A presidency source noted that this group maintain that Amaechi deserves protection because he invested over N200billion to fund APC Presidential and governorship candidates .

The El-Rufai group argued that Amaechi was promised protection from prosecution alongside Fashola when they invested scarce resources to sponsor Buhari and others.

Prominent sources insist that Amaechi like he did during the ministerial screening when Buhari wanted to dump him, has threatened to release documentary evidence of how he funded Buhari and APC to the Press.

It was learnt that he has turned in the photocopies to Buhari .

Following the position of the El-Rufai group , Buhari it was learnt directed Femi Adesina to coordinate paid media campaign to launder Amaechi’s battered image. The source said that should the media campaign fail by Christmas , Amaechi will be sacked.

The Former Rivers State Governor is said to have approached Emirs and Obas to assist him prevail on Buhari to give him more time to heighten propaganda

Saturday 22 October 2016


In what sounds like a comedy and comic relief   , Mr. Ibu wrote on his Facebook pag
e :
    I will support Buhari for his action against Nigeria Judiciary ,when issue of Buhari's certificate came up, No judge was serious to prosecute Buhari,when IPOB members where killed, No judge talked about it, when Nnamdi KANU was guiltless, No judge talk about it, When Dasuki was granted Bail even in      

         ECOWAS Court, No Judge talked about it,When Shitte Muslim where killed in Kaduna No judge talked about it, what about the killings in Nimbo and Agatu? No judge talked about it, Margaret was killed in kano while preaching No judge talked about it, all the arrested boko haram members where released by Buhari, No judge talked about it, 2015 general election nko? No judge talked about it,
As Nigerian Judiciary failed to jail Buhari let Buhari jail them. I give him my 100% Support on this one.

Nigerians Should Plan Removing Buhari, l Will Not Vote For Him Come 2019 ---Buhari's Brother Junaid Mohammed Explodes In Anger.

He was a thorn in the flesh of former President Goodluck Jonathan, during the build up to the 2015 election, a thing, which saw him, in and out of the DSS’ offices, owing to some explosive interviews he granted the media then, beginning from 2012.

He appears to have started with Buhari. In this exclusive interview with Saturday Sun, he x-rayed the about 18 months of the President Muhammadu Buhari’s administration, with a verdict that the government has not done well, and that Nigerians should begin to plan the exit of the current administration, through constitutional means. He said: “I think those who are bothered about 2019, should please start getting alliances across, and start planning of how to bring down the APC government, through constitutional means, and to also make sure they deny the PDP, a second chance of ruling the country again. APC is not doing well; I don’t think Buhari is going to do any better. The crowd around Buhari has nothing to offer.”

Similarly, he said, even the PDP, must be denied the opportunity to return to power, saying, “in life, as well as in political life, you must be prepared to pay the price for your own political mistakes, and the only way I know people are made to pay a political price in a democracy is to deny them the opportunity to return to power or get them out of power, if they are in power. As far as I am concerned, I don’t see the deliverables of this country, through the PDP. “

On Aisha Buhari’s recent outburst, the Kano State-born politician said: “I have received calls from my friends from the Southern part of the country, telling me they don’t know our women can be that bold to talk the way Madam Buhari did, and I just laughed. Are they saying the air we breathe in the North, is different from theirs or what? We also have to look at the culture. There is nothing she did, which is wrong, because she is playing politics, the way her husband is playing it. And the truth is that the country has been badly shortchanged by the individuals she mentioned and who we know. What is wrong with that? If you have not elected somebody, why should you keep quiet when the person is exercising political power? This individual is not a government appointee, yet, he wields more powers than the President. We elected Buhari, but this individuals even use the presidential jets, more than the person we willingly elected to exercise political power.

And if the President’s wife is now complaining, what is wrong with that?”.


The Africa Support and Empowerment Initiative, AFRISEI, has rejected allegations of franchise infringement by the Bring Back Our Girls, BBOG, group, led by former Education Minister, Oby Ezekwesili.

This is contained in a statement co-signed by the President and Secretary of the NGO, Hadiza Buhari-Bello, a daughter of President Muhammadu Buhari, and Don Uche, respectively.

The BBOG advocacy group via a statement jointly signed by Aisha Yesufu and Oby Ezekwesili had dissociated BBOG group from a fund-raising event organised by Hadiza Buhari-Bello, daughter of Nigeria’s president.

The event tagged: “Official Inauguration and Signing of Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on the Chibok Girls Endowment Project”, took place at the Peace Corps of Nigeria premises, Abuja, on October 17, with the #BringBackOurGirls inscription on the backdrop.

While demanding an immediate retraction and unreserved apology from the organisers of the event, the BBOG also urged the general public to disregard attempts at linking the group to the event.

However, Mrs. Buhari-Bello and Mr. Uche stated that contrary to Mrs. Yesufu and Ms. Ezekwesili’s allegation, AFRISEI did not need to lean on the BBOG to be of service to the Chibok Girls.

They maintained that they had no reason “to steal anything from BBOG or use its name to achieve any advantage.

“The Africa Support and Empowerment Initiative has its own defined objectives and that it didn’t need to steal anybody’s ideas to operate in line with its own objectives’’.

awareness about the plight of the kidnapped Chibok schoolgirls, the president’s daughter said that their organisation had broader objectives beyond the Chibok girls.

They said though the Chibok girls were within the priority of their organisation, their commitments to humanitarian causes did not end with Chibok schoolgirls.

“Given the size of the problem at hand, the more organisations we have assisting Chibok and other devastated communities, the better for the country,” they said.

According to them, as a charitable organisation, AFRISEI is committed to empowering the youth and the less privileged in the area of job creation and skill acquisition.

“It is also committed to supporting the education of the less privileged students, giving material support to the downtrodden; the internally displaced persons.

“AFRISEI is committed to educating the masses to discourage unhealthy practices such as child trafficking, child abuse, child labour and gender discrimination.”

The AFRISEI president and secretary said there was no law that prevented their organisation from assisting the Chibok schoolgirls, adding that as a charity organisation, they offered help to people in distress, including the Chibok girls and the Boko Haram victims.

They noted that AFRISEI was duly registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission and issued certificate of incorporation on July 14, and hence would never engage in illegal activities by stealing someone else’s franchise.


Our Lord Jesus Christ in the gospel of last week taught us how to pray without ceasing, as we expect the intervention of God in our life situations (Lk.18;1). This week He is presenting to us how we should pray with a story of two people, the pharisee and the tax collector who went into the temple of God to pray. Among the Jews, the tax collectors or Publicans as public servants, were regarded as crooked and sinful people who impose taxes on others, collect bribes to enrich themselves, while the Pharisees were seen as those who observe all the dictates of the law as handed down by God to Moses. The Pharisee in his prayer was sincere because he really fasts twice a week, pays his tithe even more than required, he was not unjust or adulterous, but his problem was, in his good works, he thought that God now owes him reward and salvation. Thus, in his short prayer he mentioned himself I! I! more than six times, he was full of himself, and prayed not to God but to himself. He felt that he had no sin, hitherto, despised the others to the extent of pointing accusing fingers on the tax collector, just as we criticise and condemn those that worship with us in the house of God. The Pharisee instead of examining his own conscience, he examined the conscience of the other and confessed their sins, of greed, injustice adultery and so on, then, by deriding and condemning them, he became their judge. He exalted himself to a very high position and from there he looks down and insults the other people. He was swimming in the ocean of vain glory and self righteousness. By so doing, he had a greater sin which is the sin of pride. He was a proud man without any trace of humility, while humility is the soil in which other virtues flourish. From the first reading, we learnt that God does not show any partiality in attending to the rich or the poor, the pfofessional or the amateur, the teacher or the student to mention but a few, and again, that the prayer of the humble pierces the clouds (Sirach 35;6-8,16-18).
However, the prayer of the tax collector was a model prayer. He concentrated on himself without too many words, only accusing himself by beating his chest with simple words saying, Lord be merciful to me, I am a sinner (Lk.18;9-14). This was the most motivating and moving prayer. He was just saying the truth before God with conviction and humility. This is a prayer from the heart that touches the heart of God, no wander Jesus confirmed that he went home happy and reconciled with God, and then warned us that those who exalt themselves will be humbled, while those who humble themselves will,be exalted.
Hence, there are traces of the pharisee in our prayer life, and practice of christianity, especially on being blind to our sins, but with eyes and mouth wide open to the mistakes of others. The scripture said that all have sinned and come short of the glory of God (Rom.3;9-18). We should resign our hopes and aspiratios on God's mercy, because he prefers the broken and contrite hearts, that knows and accepts their failures, than the complacent and arrogant that claims to have never sinned. St Paul admonished us that only those who carry their crosses with perseverance to the end will receive the crown of eternal glory. May we then ask God to give us the spirit of humility to acknowledge our weaknesses, and the wisdom to learn from our mistakes, with the hope that the grace of God is enough to lead us to the everlasting joy on the last day, through Christ our Lord.

Friday 21 October 2016



He won’t use condoms, you use pills.
Why? Because he wants it natural?
(think of ovarian cancer and infertility).

He gets you pregnant, you have aborted like
5 times. Why? Because he is not
ready! GROW UP!

He is tired of the natural place for copulation.
He moves to your ass Saying 'its tighter'
Then you  begin to leak n smell.
Why? Because you want to please and not
lose him. GROW UP!

You have been wearing his engagement
ring for close to 4yrs,
He is not wearing any. Why ?
Because he has promised you  marriage.

He wants a Blow job Yet he won’t give
you head. Why? Because he feels you are
not so clean “there”. GROW UP MY SISTER!

You dress half naked thinking u look sexy
and Hot, He isn’t complaining. But he
has more cloths on. Don’t be surprised
when he takes a more decent girl home.

A guy dumps you, and you want to  pay him back and all you could do is to sleep with his friend? And you think this is pay back? hahaha!

You think getting pregnant for him will make
him marry you ? GROW UP GIRL!

You become a single mama with No Job,
No means of feeding your Baby and
yourself. You leave Junior with Grandma
and you go back to the Hustling field,
then you begin to say, "MEN Are Wicked!"
Whose fault? Which men ?

Please ladies, be wise!
You know you deserve better than this.
Don't always be at the losing end!


I salute the strength of a WOMAN
● changes her name
● changes her home
● leaves her family
● moves in with you
● builds a home with you
● gets pregnant for you
● pregnancy changes her body
● she gets fat
● almost gives up in the labour room due to the unbearable pain of child birth
● even the kids she delivers bear your name
till the day she dies..., everything she does...
cooking, cleaning your house, taking care of your parents, bringing up your children, earning, advising you ensuring you can be
relaxed, maintaining all family relations,
everything that u benefit from... sometimes at the cost of her
health, hobbies and beauty.
So who is really doing who a favour?
Dear men, appreciate the women in your lives
always, because it is not easy to be a woman.
*Being a woman is priceless*
Happy women's week!
Pass this to every woman in your contact to
make her feel
proud of herself.
Rock the world ladies!
Salute to you ladies!


Several hundred Muslims staged a protest prayer outside the Colosseum in Rome on Friday over what they see as unfair restrictions on their freedom to practise their faith in Italy.

Organisers said they had called the demonstration following the recent closure on administrative grounds of five makeshift mosques.

Many Italian Muslims suspect local authorities are responding to a climate of mistrust caused by recent Islamist attacks in Europe by closing down the places of worship on the grounds of easily resolved problems such as the number of toilets on a particular premises.

“We feel people are pointing the finger at us,” said Francesco Tieri, a convert to Islam who acts as a coordinator for a number of Islamic groups.

Thursday 20 October 2016


Jose Mourinho gave start to Wayne Rooney as expected but Zlatan Ibrahimovic and Marcus Rashford made the bench while Dick Advocaat started Robin van Persie ahead of former Super Eagles forward Emmanuel Emenike.

Read Also: Mourinho will not get a special welcome at Chelsea on Sunday

Manchester United were on the front foot as they dominated possession but the first goal came via a penalty when defender Simon Kjaer pulled Juan Mata down in the penalty box.

Pogba stepped up and sent the goalkeeper the wrong way for the opener. The second goal came in four minutes later as Sener Ozbayrakli charged Anthony Martial from behind in the box and the referee again pointed to the spot.

The Frenchman got up and took the resultant penalty and scored to make it 2-0 as the Red Devils drove into cruise control.

On the stroke of half-time Manchester United made it 3-0 when Wayne Rooney latched onto a loose ball, rolled it into the path of Jesse Lingard who in turn laid it off for Pogba who finished with aplomb from nearly 25yards.

At the restart Chris Smalling was given a well deserved rest as Marcos Rojo replaced him probable because of the game against Chelsea at the weekend while Nigerian star Emmanuel Emineke came on for Simon Kjaer.

But it was the home side that took the lead as Rooney setup Lingard and he made no mistake as he fired into from the edge of the box to make it 4-0.

A small comic relief played up as Robin van Persie showed his torn Fenerbahce jersey but that did not deter the Dutchman from scoring his side’s consolation goal.

Nigerian star Emenike played in a sumptuous pass into the path of van Persie and he finished with a tap-in and that drew applauds from both the home and away crowd, including sir Alex Ferguson who was at the stadium to witness the game.


Dear president buhari,
       Why can't we diversify our economy and forget about focusing on oil alone? There are so many ways we can grow and not streamlining the diversification to agro industries or agriculture alone. There so many other ways we can diversify into and make our economy grow.

What  about having a high level of vocational training given our youths such as upgrading the existing craft centres and building new ones at least one world class craft center in every geo political zone ? This will give young talented youths the opportunity to nurture their skills and develop in them their inherent initiative. At least there should be a paradigm shift.

What if we encourage our local herbalists and support them in manufacturing local drugs to cure different ailments and not depend on cancer-given foreign drugs ?

Countries like Japan and China have used this system and it worked for them. Let's develop our local contents and make sure they work and by doing so, we can be proud that in the next 10 to 20 years we are producing our own weapons, cars, machines of different sorts. Remember, all these will be done with local contents, (locally sorted raw materials) we shouldn't depend on oil and the whites any more. Nigeria is a country blessed with natural resources that can be used as raw materials.

How about our children not depending on the four walls of the school, and their certificates any more but have a hope of being self-employed and self-productive.
Please Mr. President, these are  my humble suggestions to make Nigeria great again.

Long live federal republic of Nigeria, long live the president...


THE Convener of Bring Back Our Girls (BBOG) and former Minister of Education, Mrs. Oby Ezekwesili, on Saturday, said President Muhammadu Buhari didn’t deserve to be president, due to his lackadaisical attitude to the plight of the 2000 Nigeria Immigration Service recruits, who slept at the entrance of Aso Villa in Abuja from Friday till Saturday morning.

But the Presidency in its reaction challenged the former minister to run for presidency and take over from President Buhari.

We recall that NIS recruits were trained on weapons handling and dispersed on August 20, 2015 from their various camps, following a circular, which emanated from the NIS headquarters in Abuja, directing them to go on two weeks break. Since then, they have not been recalled to their respective camps.

Ezekwesili, while appealing to the protesters to maintain decorum, also challenged President Buhari to come out and publicly address the alleged illegal recruitment which has permeated his administration in the last couple of months, saying “that was not the change Nigerians voted for.”

According to her, “you are great Nigerians. So, you slept here, Oh my God! Inside this cold of Abuja. Somebody holds you a better explanation, and if President Muhammadu Buhari says he doesn’t know that you slept here since yesterday, it means he doesn’t deserve to be there.

“This government should not punish those who did not deserve to be punished. Nothing should be done secretly. This is not the change Nigerians voted for. President Buhari should come out and address the allegation of illegal recruitment going on in the civil service,” she added.

She further alleged that the Federal Government was employing those who did not have knowledge, skills and required literacy through the backdoor into civil service without minding the consequence, while promising to join the recruits until their demands were acceded to by President Buhari.

Ezekwesili stated that the impunity Nigerians fought during the immediate past administration has resurfaced in the present administration of the All Progressives Congress (APC).

She frowned on the situation in which the underprivileged were being subjected to hardship before they could be employed into the civil service, pointing out that only the children of members of the National Assembly, Federal Executive Council and bigwigs in the country were gainfully employed, even without merit.

Also speaking, another convener, Mrs Aisha Yesufu said the immediate past administration deserved to be commended for redeeming its image by employing the recruits, wondering why President Buhari, who promised ‘change’ had subjected the youth who had undergone rigorous trainings, especially in weapons handling, to such humiliation.

Some of the other protesters, Godwin Ladi Mercy, Adeleye Adejoke, Salomi Yohanna and Usman Ugbede Yusuf, condemned government action, saying the Federal Government should not refer to the 2,000 youths as applicants, because they have been given provisional offer of appointments, NIS uniforms, identification cards and posted to various commands nationwide.

As of the time of filing this report, the protesters, who slept at the entrance of the Villa till Saturday, have vowed to remain there, until the president or any of his aides comes out to address them.

While reacting, the Senior Special Assistant to the president on media and publicity, Garba Shehu, advised Ezekwesili to form a political party to run for presidency if she felt Buhari was not doing well.
He told Sunday Tribune in Abuja that if she did so and won the election, Buhari would hand over to her.

Asked to react to Ezekwesili’s claims, Shehu said: “Did I hear you say that Madam Ezekwesili said President Muhammadu Buhari is not fit to be in that office?

“That is a political statement. What I will advise her to do is to come out of the shadow of the grieving Chibok parents, register a political party and go into the election against the APC and President Muhammadu Buhari.

“If she thinks she is a better person to be in that office, let her present herself to the Nigerian people in an election. She has the right to do so under our constitution.”

“The issue of democracy is that there is a right to vote and be voted for. If anybody thinks that they can do a better job than President Muhammadu Buhari as president of Nigeria, let them go and run for the office to win election and take over.”




A good woman cooks for her husband, except in few cases where class and schedules are involved, and they employed cook(s). But despite that, she still monitors the food items that go into the kitchen and oversees how food is being prepared and served in the house. She never leaves the kitchen completely in the hands of the cook(s). She often visits the kitchen to prepare for her husband- his favourite meal. A woman is the Commander in Chief of the Federal Republic of the Kitchen.

The sitting room is the crucial meeting point of the family where they meet, play and liaise together. The home management skills of a good woman, her good heart and her charming smiles make the sitting room conducive for the whole family as a meeting point. When a man is married to a bad woman, the entire family is permanently confined to their individual rooms whenever they are at home. They only visit the sitting room to receive visitors and retire to their rooms as soon as their visitors left. A good woman belongs to the sitting room because she is the only person to make the sitting room a good meeting point for the whole family.

In t
he end of the hustles and hassles of the day, the other room is where the husband and wife retires, either to perform their marital duty or to cuddle themselves till the next day. A good wife surely belongs to the other room because the other room is the most important room in the family. The other rooms is where most important decisions in the family are made. The other room is where they agree to disagree. The other room is where they fulfil the law of procreation.

If you have a wife that does not belong to the KITCHEN, SITTING ROOM and THE OTHER ROOM, my dear, go and remarry, you are still a bachelor.



Nigerian author Chimamanda Ngozie Adichie says President Muhammadu Buhari has squandered the massive goodwill and support he had upon his inauguration as President and missed an opportunity to set Nigeria on the right path.

“Mr Buhari ascended to the presidency with a rare advantage — not only did he have the good will of a majority of Nigerians, he elicited a peculiar mix of fear and respect,” she wrote in an opinion for The New York Times, published on Tuesday.

“For the first weeks of his presidency, it was said that civil servants who were often absent from work suddenly appeared every day, on time, and that police officers and customs officials stopped demanding bribes.”

She said although she experienced political fear for the first time, aged seven, under Buhari’s military regime in 1984, she welcomed his election 30 years later in 2015 because “he represented some form of hope”.  

ecause for the first time, Nigerians had voted out an incumbent in an election that was largely free and fair,” she said.

“Because Mr Buhari had sold himself as a near-ascetic reformer, as a man so personally above board that he would wipe out Nigeria’s decades-long corruption.”

Although she acknowledged that Nigeria was difficult to govern, she said Buhari wasted an opportunity through his actions – from his appointments to his economic decisions.

“He had an opportunity to make real reforms early on, to boldly reshape Nigeria’s path. He wasted it,” she said.

“Perhaps the first clue was the unusually long time it took him to appoint his ministers. After an ostensible search for the very best, he presented many recycled figures with whom Nigerians were disenchanted.

“But the real test of his presidency came with the continued fall in oil prices, which had begun the year before his inauguration.”

She explained that while the plunge in oil prices was bound to have a catastrophic impact on the economy because it was “unwholesomely dependent on oil”, Buhari’s actions made it even more so.

She cited the policy of defending the naira through which the official exchange rate was kept “artificially low” but caused the exchange rate to balloon on the black market and restriction of access to the central bank’s foreign currency reserves, which “spawned corruption”.

She said while the exchange rate crisis caused the price for everything – rice, bread, cooking oil – rice and forced businesses to fire employees with some folding, “the exclusive few who were able to buy dollars at official rates could sell them on the black market and earn large, riskless profits — transactions that contribute nothing to the economy.”

According to her, although Buhari believed, rightly, that Nigeria needed to produce more of what it consumed, and he wanted to spur local production, local production could not be willed into existence if the supporting infrastructure was absent.

“And banning goods has historically led not to local production but to a thriving shadow market,” she added.

“His intentions, good as they well might be, are rooted in an outdated economic model and an infantile view of Nigerians.

“For him, it seems, patriotism is not a voluntary and flexible thing, with room for dissent, but a martial enterprise: to obey without questioning.”

Adichie also faulted Buhari’s handling of the herdsmen/famers clashes in the country.
She said, “Since Mr. Buhari came to power, villages in the middle-belt and southern regions have been raided, the inhabitants killed, their farmlands sacked. Those attacked believe the Fulani herdsmen want to forcibly take over their lands for cattle grazing.

“It would be unfair to blame Mr. Buhari for these killings, which are in part a result of complex interactions between climate change and land use. But leadership is as much about perception as it is about action, and Mr. Buhari has appeared disengaged.

“It took him months, and much criticism from civil society, to finally issue a statement “condemning” the killings. His aloofness feels, at worst, like a tacit enabling of murder and, at best, an absence of sensitive leadership.

“Most important, his behavior suggests he is tone-deaf to the widely held belief among southern Nigerians that he promotes a northern Sunni Muslim agenda.

“He was no less opaque when the Nigerian Army murdered hundreds of members of a Shiite Muslim group in December, burying them in hastily dug graves. Or when soldiers killed members of the small secessionist pro-Biafran movement who were protesting the arrest of their leader, Nnamdi Kanu, a little-known figure whose continued incarceration has elevated him to a minor martyr.”

In terms of the war on corruption, she said, “Nigerians who expected a fair and sweeping cleanup of corruption have been disappointed. Arrests have tended to be selective, targeting mostly those opposed to Mr Buhari’s government.

“The anti-corruption agencies are perceived not only as partisan but as brazenly flouting the rule of law.”

Wednesday 19 October 2016


A 50 year old man’s pen*s was amputated by surgeons after the man, frustrated by lack of s-xual activity with a partner, used a bottle to pleasure himself and then got his manh–d stuck in the bottle for four days. By the time the man came to hospital, his p-nis had already started decaying and doctors had no other choice than to amputate it..

Doctor Dennis Chirinos, the urologist who conducted the operation said to Mirror UK:

“It’s a strange case, it’s happened before, bit it’s still strange. We had a 50-year-old patient, that, because he didn’t have a girlfriend or a wife, wanted to relieve his s-xual frustration. So he put his p-nis in a bottle and this caused the death and necrosis of the p-nis. When he arrived four days later we had to amputate the p-nis completely because it was completely dead.”


Nothing in life is worth fighting for. Your best clothes is someone's rag,your account balance is someone's donation at a function, your girl friend/boy friend or fiance/fiancee' is someone's Ex. Every single prostitute you see in a hotel or on the street at night was at some point in time a virgin. So what is the squabble all about? Life is too small to feel bigger or better than anybody. We're all naked to death says Steve Jobs. Nothing can save us from it. I hate to see people who Brag about wealth, beauty, intelligence, level of education, fame and material possessions. There's nothing you've achieved in life that no one else has never gotten. The office you occupy today was occupied someone yesterday and will be occupied by another person tomorrow. You don't know whom that person might be. There's only one thing that is worth bragging which is "LIVE IN GOD ALMIGHTY". SO BE GOOD TO YOUR FELLOW MAN AND ALWAYS MAKE FRIENDS. Always remember that the people you trampled upon on your way up a ladder will be the same set of people you're likely to pass on your way down, so cause no problem for others or make not life unbearable for other by virtue of your position, because if you do, they'll become your very problem one day. Finally, even banana stems will one day become dried leaves. Pls don't be selfish , pass on to friends as we're all in one way or the other guilty.
If one day you feel like crying, call me. I don't promise to make you laugh but I can cry with you.
If one day you want to run away don't be afraid to call me. I promise to be there running beside you.
But if one day you call me and there's no answer, come to me, perhaps I need you.

             * * ,, * *
          * I care for *
           *. You *
                "* ,, *"
One day, one of us will not be here and then it'll be too late to say I care. Tears may flow, but I will be long gone. Thank you and remain blessed.


This whole saga is about ‘political power’,. Aisha Buhari is not happy that Mr President did not allow her have office of First Lady for her to wield power.

But in all their marriage is suffering and things could get even worse if not resolved immediately.

Rather than allow for peace, Aisha Buhari has granted another hot interview.

Recalled that she had granted an interview a week ago in which she suggested her husband’s administration had been hijacked. She claimed President Muhammad Buhari did not know more than half the people he had appointed and some of the appointees did not share his vision.

Perhaps the most explosive part of the interview was her assertion that without any major changes, she would not support him for a second term bid come 2019.

President Buhari reacted to his wife’s statement while on an official trip to Germany. His attempt to make a joke of the situation backfired as he claimed she belonged to his ‘kitchen and other rooms’.

Well, some political leaders in APC have been talking to Aisha on phone but she’s not backing down and in a new interview with the same BBC, she reiterating her concerns.

“I have my own right to say how I feel about something,” Aisha declared in English and criticized her husband again in the new interview.

Tuesday 18 October 2016


Respected scientists from the Science Institute based in the UK have been secretly investigating why Robert Mugabe does not DIE! This came after it was made known to the public back in 1999 that Mugabe does not dye or cut his hair.

Mugabe, the famed political guru brought to Earth to wear black suits and rule with an iron fist has been the president of Zimbabwe since 1980. Many came and passed on, but Mugabe is still reigning with energy and might.

It was said in 1999 that the now 92 year old Zimbabwean president does not need to go to the gym or eat veggies to stay healthy. He was born to live forever.

People started believing this as pictures of him from the eighties and the seventies were brought forward to prove that he basically still looks the same after decades.

Billions of dollars were then invested into researching Mugabe’s condition and scientists recently came out to say that they have concluded that they could not find any sign of decay in his DNA.

They have taken DNA samples from his clothes, facecloth, toothbrush and hairbrush, and they have for years run tests but could not find any sign of mortality in the man.

People have also said that he uses his walking stick as a disguise, He does not really need it.

While we could not get a comment from the Zimbabwean government at the time of writing this satiricalpiece, Morgan Tsvangirai, Leader of the MDC however rubbished these findings, stating that Mugabe is just a man like everyone else. He also stated that Mugabe is a mortal person, not an ageless creature of smoke, silk, and sweet, sweet funk. Adding to the revelations that the 92-year-old’s body is just a collection of bones and tissues like any other.

“We have never seen anything like this. At first we could not believe it, but after running a series of tests, we then realized that Mugabe is really immortal” said Dr. Irvin Koch, the lead scientist in this research.

The research will go on until 2018 or until the program runs out of funds.

This makes it clear now that Mugabe will rule forever. We are just not sure if this is good or bad news to the people of Zimbabwe.



"Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I fear no evil for thou art with me. Thy rod and thy staff they comfort me"- Psalm 23.

I recited this scripture three times and waited on the Lord quietly and calmly when I heard that my wife and son had been unlawfully apprehended and detained in a bank in far away Ado Ekiti on the orders of the EFCC whilst I was in Lagos.

Somebody should tell Mumu Buhari to stop sending his goons to abduct other peoples wives and 8 month old infant babies and to stop trying to traumatise them, lock them up and destroy their lives simply because they are married to or fathered by opposition politicians and those he hates.

He should leave my wife Precious Chikwendu, my 8 month old son Aragorn and other members of my family alone, face me directly and be a man. Even in war the wives and children of the enemy are out of bounds.

The truth is that Buhari is nothing more than a coward and a bully and he will suffer the consequences of his actions because God will punish him.

I give thanks to the Living God, the fearless lion that is known as Governor Ayo Fayose and the good people of Ado Ekiti for saving the lives of my loved ones and protecting them from the barbaric and illegal actions and tyranny of the fascists of the EFCC.

I have nothing but contempt for these people. They are the scum of the earth and by the time this is all over they will know that I serve a mighty God.

Despite the threats, persecution, violence and intimidation that my family and I have been subjected to over the last one year my opposition to the Buhari government remains implacable and unrelenting and I refuse to be silenced.

I said that Buhari was an evil man right from the outset and that he would prove to be an incompetent and disasterous President if elected into office and I have been proved right.

If he and his security forces are not killing Shiite Muslims, marginalising Christians, silencing and intimidating critics, locking up members of the opposition, storming the homes of judges or threatening bloggers and journalists they are sponsoring Fulani militants and herdsmen to commit acts of barbarity and terror against their fellow Nigerians.

If they are not impoverishing Nigerians, decimating the economy or freezing the bank accounts of innocent men and women and their family members they are tormenting, abducting and locking up the wives, infants and babies of opposition figures.

If they are not intimidating and charging leaders of the Senate and other senior legislators to court on trumped up charges, murdering IPOB youths, butchering Niger Deltans, humiliating and cheating their own party leaders or discrediting and jailing dissenters they are denigrating women and confining them to the kitchen and bedroom.

Buhari has divided our country along ethnic, religious and regional lines as never before and he has subjected the Nigerian people to levels of starvation, deprivation, poverty and suffering that were hitherto unkown.

And it is not just southerners and Christians that are feeling the pinch and suffering the pain and affliction. Millions of northern Muslims are feeling it as well. If anyone doubts that I challenge Buhari to walk the streets of Kano today and see what happens.

One wonders how things got so bad? One wonders what engendered this terrible affliction and what attracted this deep-rooted curse of a government?

One wonders how a country of 180 million resilient, hard-working, educated, enterprising, adventurous, courageous, cheerful, charitable, forgiving, kind, God-loving, God-fearing and strong-willed people ended up with a President from the dark ages like this?

Even members of the President's own constituency in the core north, his leading party members from all over the country, his greatest allies and erstwhile friends and now his beautiful young wife are complaining bitterly and openly. They are all wailing as loudly and as frantically as the traditional wailers of the wailing opposition.

The response of the President is to dismiss their concerns with contempt and to describe his young wife as nothing more than something akin to a kitchen maid, a glorified cook and a slavish bed wench before a shocked German audience and an utterly dumbfounded world.

His media aides and apologists tried to spin the whole thing by suggesting that he was just joking but this did not go down well with Mumu Buhari.

The very next day he told yet another group of foreign journalists that he meant every word of what he had said earlier and that as far as he was concerned "women had no place in politics" and they belonged to the "kitchen and the bedroom".

Now the question is this? How can any sane man describe his wife as only being fit for the kitchen and the bedroom let alone the President of the largest and most densly populated black nation on earth?

What does that tell the world about us as a people? How is that supposed to make our women feel? Does the President know the damage he has done to us by that single statement which he made in distant Germany at the very heart of the European Union?

One of his media aides has already told us that he cannot read newspapers and that he can only manage to comprehend the cartoon section of any paper but even at that his latest comments go beyond the pale.

By his shameful and ignorant asserions about women in Germany Buhari has confirmed the fact that he has no respect for himself, for his people, for his continent, for his women or even for his host, Chancellor Angela Merkel, who is a woman and her German people.

Not only did he say those shameful things about his wife and women but he also said it in Merkel's prescence and on German soil.

No wonder there was deep outrage in Germany and indeed throughout Europe and the civilised world and no wonder leading feminist and human rights organisations and respected members of the German community were demanding for his expulsion from that country.

It is only in Nigeria that some ignorant, sorry and hapless opportunists and hungry government apologists, freeloaders and beggars tried to play the whole thing down by claiming that the President was "just joking".
Shameless are those who say so.

The bitter truth is as follows: Nigeria is being run by a small cabal of hardened, violent, merciless, paranoid, incompetent, relentless, cow-loving religious bigots who are also closet paedophiles, chronic misogynists and ravenous sodomites.

Such people are happy to marry nine-year old brides and to confine their wives to the kitchen and bedroom for the rest of their lives.

Such people hate criticism or opposition in any shape or form because they believe that being in power confers some degree of divinity and deification upon them.

Such people believe that to to challenge their authority is to challenge God and they see themselves not as elected servants of the people but as divinely ordained representatives of God on earth.

Such people believe in crushing, destroying, humiliating, killing and jailing their perceived enemies and political adversaries for no just cause the moment they feel threatened or intimidated.

Yet the truth is as follows: no matter how many Sambo Dasukis, Nnamdi Kanus, El Zak Zakys, Olisa Metuhs, Justice Niyi Ademolas, Warimpo Dudafas, Patience Jonathans, Ayo Fayoses, Nyesome Wikes, Seriake Dicksons, Iyiola Omisores, Segun Mimikos, Robert Azibolas, Bukola Sarakis, Bola Tinubus, Ike Ekweremadus, Femi Fani-Kayodes, Goodluck Jonathans, Cletus Ibetos, Ayo Adeseuns, Precious Chikwendus, Bintu Dasukis, Patrick Akpobolokemis, Kime Engozus or any of the thousands of others that you constantly malign, harass, falsely accuse, lock up, terrorise, intimidate, charge, traumatise, demonise, malign, misrepresent, beat, spit upon, insult or humiliate, your time is running out and you cannot escape God's wrath and judgement.

No matter how many of their families members you seek to shame, humiliate, traumatise, pauperise, break and bring to their knees it changes nothing and it cannot slow down the ticking of the clock or stop the disaster that is coming your way.

The truth is that the fear has gone and no-one is intimidated by you, your goons, your henchmen and your security agencies any longer.

The worse you can do is to kill us all in order to remain in power and even if you do that others will rise up against you in our stead.

As the great American freedom fighter, founding father and patriot Thomas Jefferson said, "the tree of liberty is watered by the blood of patriots and tyrants". Again as another great American patriot by the name of Patrick Henry
once said "give me liberty or give me death".

Yet the clock is ticking and your time is almost up. I pray that you repent before it is too late. I say this not out of malice or in an attempt to seek revenge but with love and compassion from the bottom of my heart.

I say it by the leading of the Holy Spirit of the Living God. If you do not repent and desist I assure you that the very pit that you are digging for others may well be your final resting place.

No man is greater than the Living God and no government can successfully and indefinately resist the will of the people. In your attempt to silence me, God will silence you.

It is just a matter of time before the good Lord strikes back and pulls you down. Why? Because your wickedness knows no bounds and because you take pleasure and delight in it.

Why? Because there is a God in Heaven who rules in the affairs of men. Why? Because you have touched the annointed of the Lord and you have troubled His beloved people.

Why? Because He is the father of the fatherless, the defender of the weak, the provider of the needy and the husband of the widow.

Why? Because the Nigerian people are praying morning, night and day that your cancerous evil and reckless insensitivity and brutality must be brought to an end.

This is a wake up call and your final warning. Desist from troubling the Nigerian people Mr. President and stop trying to destroy the lives of innocent men and women.

If you do not God will not only bring you to your knees and humiliate you to a point of ridicule and contempt but he will also sweep away your government, remove all your clothes and strip you naked before the entire world.

In your desperate attempt to silence me, the Lord of Hosts and the Ancient of Days will silence you. Thus sayest the Spirit of the Most High God and His zeal shall surely perform it.

Sooner than later He will deliver us from this evil and wicked President who hails from the Darrk Ages.

Sooner than later He will rescue us from the cruel and unrelenting claws of the Dark Angel that presides over the affairs of our land. Blessed be His name forever.


Today is Governor Okezie Ikpeazu's birthday.

I speak for myself and a multitude of other Abians who are witnesses to all that you are doing for the cause of taking Abia to a greater height. There is no other voice so firmly committed to common sense conservatism, and it has not come without a price. You are laying much on the line ensuring the future of all Abians and her residents, people who work or do businesses in Abia. We thank you our amiable Governor.

Happy Birthday, our Govo!

As you add another year to your earthly assignment, we will continue praying for you; that the Almighty God continue blessing you today onward, that He may grace you with many more years.

Ubani Newman Ubani for the entire #AbiaOnline family.