Monday 24 October 2016


NFF clears FC Ifeanyi Ubah for Federation Cup final

The disciplinary committee of the Nigeria Football Federation, NFF has cleared FC IFeanyi to play in the final of the 2016 Nigeria Federation Cup.

This was after a matter brought before the committee against the conduct of the match officials for the 1st semi final game between Crown FC and FC Ifeanyi Ubah.

According to the committee’s findings, officials of Crown FC as well as supporters sympathetic towards and acting on behalf of Crown FC encroached onto the pitch in the 88thminute after a goal scored by Crown was disallowed a minute earlier.

“The contravenes Art. 3.11 of the Rules and Regulations of the Federation Cup Competition,” a statement by the NFF Disciplinary Committee said.

The committee said their decision was based on the evidence including tendered photographs officials of Crown FC were identified to have encroached onto the field of play.

There were also submitted independent reports presented before the Committee as well as the Committee’s interaction with the Match Officials, i.e Match Commissioner (Mr. Bege N. Kwasau), Referee (Audu A. Ibrahim), AR1 (kabiru

Adamu) and AR2 (Abubakar Yusuf) the Match Officials were found to have

acted unprofessionally in their conduct during the second half of the match

Based on the above, the Committee ruled as follows;

1. That Crown FC shall forfeit the match for encroachment resulting in the

disruption of the match as provided for in Art. 3.11 (A). Therefore the scores

at the time of disruption (i.e Crown FC 1 -2 FC Ifeanyi Ubah) stands.

2. That Crown FC is hereby fined the sum of N200,000 as provided for in Art.


3. That the Match Commissioner Mr. Bege N. Kwasau having been found to have acted unprofessionally is hereby referred to the NFF Match Commissioners Committee for disciplinary actions; pending this, he should not be appointed for any Match as a Match Commissioner until the outcome of the Committee decision

4. That Referee (Audu A. Ibrahim), AR1 (kabiru Adamu) and AR2 (Abubakar

Yusuf) having been found to have acted unprofessionally are hereby referred to the NFF Referees Committee for Disciplinary actions; pending this, they should not be appointed for any Match until the outcome of the Committee decision

5. The Committee notes that all parties have the right to appeal its decision

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